July 10, 2020

It’s been a few months since the new normal has dawned upon us, are you well- adjusted now? Times have changed but despite all that, we must still learn to savor each passing day and love life like we always do. So as you try to adjust to the new normal, especially with most days spent mainly at home, now is the perfect moment to improve on yourself!
How exactly? Well, there are quite a few activities that come to mind; finally committing to a healthy diet, looking for a new hobby, or maybe even dyeing your own hair! May it be due to boredom or your road to self-improvement, you can call it what you want, but you can’t deny that a DIY hair dye job is as exciting as it is nerve-wracking.

BUT! First things first, you might want to save major hair color changes for the salon. As rewarding as it is to dye your hair at the comfort of your home, doing it on your own–especially as someone with little to no experience in coloring one’s hair –can be quite risky. But worry not! You only need to know the basics in order to avoid potentially messing up your hair.

Do your research.

Just mindlessly going to the store–online or not–is never the way to go. You should do your own research, look up a variety of hair coloring products, check out the ingredients, and get familiar with the colors available and carefully pick the one that’s the most similar to your own color.

Carefully follow the instructions.

Now that you’ve chosen a color, the next thing you do is follow the said instructions. No experimenting or mixing with other colors! Unless, you want to awfully damage your hair. Just remember to apply it evenly to avoid patchiness.

Use a Root Touch Up kit to finish the look!

Now that you’ve successfully dyed your hair, use a Root Touch Up product whenever you see fit to tie up your look. Not only is it convenient to use, but it is also a quick fix that could easily extend salon visits. You probably won’t even need to go for quite a while! Luckily, Protégé Beauty’s CoverAge Premium Root Touch Up gets the job done quickly and efficiently!

CoverAge contains natural minerals that help produce a natural shine for your hair. It also has a variety of shades to choose from so you don’t have to worry about mismatching it to your newly dyed hair color. Moreover, it’s easy to apply with the help of the dual-tip precision brush that comes with the package and can last all day until your next wash and is definitely transfer-proof. You can just reapply It occasionally or whenever you need to.

Whether you decide to dye your own hair or just occasionally touch up your grown out roots, what’s most important is you enjoy the process at the comfort of your home. So go and get yourself a coloring kit, pair it with Protege Beauty’s CoverAge Root Touch Up, knock yourself out and color to your heart’s content!

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